In-Depth Trace

In-Depth Trace


Some people prove to be more difficult to trace than others and require more In-Depth research. Our in-Depth Trace is mainly for people who are searching for someone and don't hold very much information on the person in question or who have previously employed another tracing agent to locate that person. We are one of the few UK tracing agents who are happy to take on cases which have been reported back as negative by other less thorough companies.


Our specialist team of trace researchers will carry out extensive enquiries to locate your lost subject to a current address. We have access to all known databases in the UK and overseas which are updated on a regular basis along with a team who possess extensive knowledge in the tracing and people location industry.


As with our Basic Trace, our In-Depth Trace is also worked on a no-find, no-fee basis. This means in the unlikely event we can't find the person in the UK, you dont have to pay anything. So you're completely protected.


To apply for that trace please login or register.